Tag Archives: potty training

The Big P

We are potty training again. Not again like we are potty training our third child. But again, like we are potty training our third child again. Baby G has been a cloth diaper baby. Hubby didn’t want her to be. He thought it would cause diaper rashes and a stinky house. The only time Baby G gets a diaper rash is when she wears disposable diapers. I honestly think cloth diapers has made all the difference in the potty training. So I am really excited about the fact that we have even started on this journey since she has just turned two in September.

I have come to think that parents don’t really potty train their kids. Their kids potty train them. Baby G has been slowly potty training us since she was around 15 months. She first got to the point that she would try to pull her diaper off as soon as it was wet. Then she started crying when she would wet or dirty her diaper like she was mad at herself. Then she started to go on the potty if she didn’t have a diaper on.  But if she was wearing one, she would go in it. So at this point I started letting her run around without a diaper during the day when we were home all day. So she eventually got to wearing big girl panties around July. We went the whole month of July in panties with like 3 accidents.

Then she got tonsillitis. During this time our county fair started so we were busy in 4H with that. So with being sick she didn’t want to mess with going potty and then with us being busy, I didn’t want to mess with it either. So we lost it.

But she has finally decided to start the training program with us again. And we are all doing a good job. Daddy is in on it. Siblings are helping and grandparents are too. So maybe by the end of the month I can figure out what to do with the pile of cloth diapers that we aren’t using anymore. But we will see how my training goes this time around.